It's now day 100. Time for a list of the things I love about this house.
1. The location.
2. The fact that is is literally steps from the lake shore.
3. A lake shore that has wonderful walking trails all along it.
4. And a beach about 5 minutes away.
5. The fact that in warm weather, I'll be able to fall asleep to the sound of the waves.
6. The original woodwork throughout the house.
7. And the fact that, except in one room, it is NOT painted.
8. The large yard.
9. The 4 big trees in the yard (even though 1, or maybe 2, will have to come down).
10. The fact that it, although only ~1300 sq. ft., has room enough to entertain.
11. And has a formal dining room.
12. The front porch. A front porch seems so old fashioned and neighbourly. Of course, I most likely will never sit out on the front porch. But I
could if I wanted to.
13. The fact that the one bedroom upstairs is large enough I can cleave off enough space for a 2nd bathroom - good for those 2 am bathroom calls!
14. The windows - large and plentiful.
15. And the fact that they are relatively new, so I don't have to replace them.
16. The fact that I actually have windows on all four sides of my house that open (having lived my entire adult live in either apartments or townhouses up to now, this is a novelty).
17. The fact that the cross-breezes generated by those windows, and the proximity to the lake, should be enough to cool the house in the summer.
18. The fact that there is an air conditioner for those days those windows and breezes aren't enough to cool the house.
19. Have I mentioned the location?
20. And the walking trails?
21. That Kip loves??
22. And that this street isn't a main street, and so isn't busy, but it's close to a main street, and all the amenities there.
23. Such as take-out pizza.
24. And Wal-Mart.
25. And there is a great hardware store only a few minutes drive away. I have a feeling I'm going to be spending a lot of time, and money, in that hardware store.
26. The highway is also only a few minutes away.
27. Which cuts down the time spent driving to the closest Starbucks.
28. The fact that the closest Starbucks is ~20 minutes away, which will save me money.
29. That I can spend at the hardware store instead.
30. The climate - after 10 winters with -40 F being a regular feature, it's is warm here - relatively.
31. And once the house is insulated, it will be warm inside as well!
32. The fact that every room is so ugly/poorly renovated, that it really is going to be easier to tear everything out and start with a clean slate, instead or trying to make it work with what's here now.
33. And the fact that it is going to take a LOT of work to get it all fixed...
...but I still think it's worth it!