Local blogs and garden clubs

A commenter asked the following on my Seedy Saturday Post:

"I moved to this area just under a year ago, so I was very happy to find your blog and also thrilled to see how much is going on in this area. Can I ask please, how you find out about these events? Finding that I had a CSA just a few blocks away from me made me very happy, but I'd love to find out if there are any other like-minded groups - in London I was part of a Post-Carbon group and it was a relief to be able to talk about Stuff."

So, instead of answering Jess (Hi Jess - thanks for commenting!!) in the comments, I thought I'd put the answer here, just in case anyone else found it helpful.

Most of my local information comes from two sources: Tiffany Mayer's Eating Niagara blog and Linda's Tree & Twig Farm blog.

I highly recommend both of those blogs for local readers.

I also belong to a local garden club, which has numerous benefits, including a plant sale every May and a great discount at local plant nurseries. The one I belong to is the Ridgeway & District Garden Club. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of most months (except January, February and August), and this year's annual meeting is March 14. There is always a great speaker, door prizes, food and more - all for a $10 annual membership. While the focus of the club tends to be more ornamentals, there is a lot of combined knowledge among the members - and we are always looking for more!

The meetings are all free for anyone to attend and are held at the Stevensville Memorial Hall starting at 6:30 (I think  - will verify later Coffee and snacks are served at 6:30, the meeting starts at 7 pm). Please, if you are all interested, come on out - I'm always looking for more like-minded people as well (we seem to be few and far between down here!), and I'd love to meet up with local readers!

And if anyone else has a local blog, please let me know :)


  1. Thanks so much! I'll definitely check that out.

    1. No problem. Let me know if you are going to the meeting, and we can meet in person!



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