J is for...

... joy.

I am, by nature, somewhat of a pessimist.  Actually, strike that "somewhat" :)  In fact, a friend once bought me this mug, which fits me to a tee - and I love that mug and use it for my morning coffee almost every day.

However, pessimism can lead to a worldview that is the opposite of rose-coloured glasses, and  I realized a number of years ago that happiness is something that I have to work at.  So, I set myself a task - to find at least one point of joy in every day.

The sight of yellow elm leaves against a clear bluer-than-blue Saskatoon autumn sky.

The way Kip's tail wags when I laugh.

The sound of the waves on the beach on a quiet summer's night.

The colour of the sunrise on my drive into work.

The taste of a fresh, sun-warmed tomato, of the first corn of the season, of the newly-picked fall apples.

The warmth of Katy snuggled against me on a cold winter's night.

The sight of Orion in the winter sky.

The quiet that comes after a big snowfall.

These are all normal, everyday things.  They aren't the "big" things -  winning the lottery, or getting that dream job, or a $300 purse, a perfect home, a big-screen TV.  They are things that are free, that are always there, but only if we choose to see them.

I choose to see them.

In fact, I seek them out, on a daily basis.

J is for joy, and it is all around us - we just need to recognize what it really is.  

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